Terms and Con­di­ti­ons

Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck Affi­lia­te Pro­gram Terms of Ser­vice


By signing up to be an Affi­lia­te in the Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck Affi­lia­te Pro­gram (“Pro­gram”) you are agreeing to be bound by the fol­lo­wing terms and con­di­ti­ons (“Terms of Ser­vice”).

Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck reser­ves the right to update and chan­ge the Terms of Ser­vice from time to time wit­hout noti­ce. Any new fea­tures that aug­ment or enhan­ce the cur­rent Pro­gram, inclu­ding the release of new tools and resour­ces, shall be sub­ject to the Terms of Ser­vice. Con­ti­nued use of the Pro­gram after any such chan­ges shall con­sti­tu­te your con­sent to such chan­ges.

Vio­la­ti­on of any of the terms below will result in the ter­mi­na­ti­on of your Account and for for­feit­u­re of any out­stan­ding affi­lia­te com­mis­si­on pay­ments ear­ned during the vio­la­ti­on. You agree to use the Affi­lia­te Pro­gram at your own risk.

Account Terms

  • You must be 18 years or older to be part of this Pro­gram.
  • You must live in the United Sta­tes to be an Affi­lia­te.
  • You must be a human. Accounts regis­te­red by “bots” or other auto­ma­ted methods are not per­mit­ted.
  • You must pro­vi­de your legal full name, a valid email address, and any other infor­ma­ti­on requested in order to com­ple­te the signup pro­cess.
  • Your log­in may only be used by one per­son – a sin­gle log­in sha­red by mul­ti­ple peop­le is not per­mit­ted.
  • You are respon­si­ble for main­tai­ning the secu­ri­ty of your account and pass­word. Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck can­not and will not be liable for any loss or dama­ge from your fail­u­re to com­ply with this secu­ri­ty obli­ga­ti­on.
  • You are respon­si­ble for all Con­tent posted and activi­ty that occurs under your account.
  • One per­son or legal enti­ty may not main­tain more than one account.
  • You may not use the Affi­lia­te Pro­gram for any ille­gal or unaut­ho­ri­zed pur­po­se. You must not, in the use of the Ser­vice, vio­la­te any laws in your juris­dic­tion (inclu­ding but not limi­ted to copy­right laws).
  • You may not use the Affi­lia­te Pro­gram to earn money on your own Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck pro­duct accounts.

Links/graphics on your site, in your emails, or other com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons

Once you have signed up for the Affi­lia­te Pro­gram, you will be assi­gned a uni­que Affi­lia­te Code. You are per­mit­ted to place links, ban­ners, or other gra­phics we pro­vi­de with your Affi­lia­te Code on your site, in your emails, or in other com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons. We will pro­vi­de you with gui­de­li­nes, link styles, and gra­phi­cal art­work to use in lin­king to Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck. We may chan­ge the design of the art­work at any time wit­hout noti­ce, but we won’t chan­ge the dimen­si­ons of the images wit­hout pro­per noti­ce.

To per­mit accu­ra­te tracking, repor­ting, and refer­ral fee accru­al, we will pro­vi­de you with spe­cial link for­mats to be used in all links bet­ween your site and the Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck. You must ensu­re that each of the links bet­ween your site and the Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck pro­per­ly uti­li­zes such spe­cial link for­mats. Links to the Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck pla­ced on your site pur­suant to this Agree­ment and which pro­per­ly uti­li­ze such spe­cial link for­mats are refer­red to as “Spe­cial Links.” You will earn refer­ral fees only with respect to sales on a Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck pro­duct occur­ring direc­t­ly through Spe­cial Links; we will not be liable to you with respect to any fail­u­re by you or someo­ne you refer to use Spe­cial Links or incor­rec­t­ly type your Affi­lia­te Code, inclu­ding to the extent that such fail­u­re may result in any reduc­tion of amounts that would other­wi­se be paid to you pur­suant to this Agree­ment.

Affi­lia­te links should point to the page of the pro­duct being pro­mo­ted.

Refer­ral fees/commissions and pay­ment

For a Pro­duct sale to be eli­gi­ble to earn a refer­ral fee, the custo­mer must click-through a Spe­cial Link from your site, email, or other com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons to http://christian-morgenweck.de and com­ple­te an order for a pro­duct during that ses­si­on.

We will only pay com­mis­si­ons on links that are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly tra­cked and repor­ted by our sys­tems. We will not pay com­mis­si­ons if someo­ne says they purcha­sed or someo­ne says they ent­e­red a refer­ral code if it was not tra­cked by our sys­tem. We can only pay com­mis­si­ons on busi­ness gene­ra­ted through pro­per­ly for­mat­ted spe­cial links that were auto­ma­ti­cal­ly tra­cked by our sys­tems.

We reser­ve the right to dis­qua­li­fy com­mis­si­ons ear­ned through frau­du­lent, ille­gal, or over­ly aggres­si­ve, ques­tion­ab­le sales or mar­ke­ting methods.

Pay­ments only begin once you’­ve ear­ned more than $20 in affi­lia­te inco­me. If your affi­lia­te account never crosses the $20 thres­hold, your com­mis­si­ons will not be rea­li­zed or paid. We are only respon­si­ble for pay­ing accounts that have crossed the $20 thres­hold.

Iden­ti­fy­ing yours­elf as a Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck Affi­lia­te

You may not issue any press release with respect to this Agree­ment or your par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the Pro­gram; such action may result in your ter­mi­na­ti­on from the Pro­gram. In addi­ti­on, you may not in any man­ner mis­re­p­re­sent or embel­lish the rela­ti­ons­hip bet­ween us and you, say you deve­lop our pro­duc­ts, say you are part of Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck or express or imply any rela­ti­ons­hip or affi­lia­ti­on bet­ween us and you or any other per­son or enti­ty except as express­ly per­mit­ted by this Agree­ment (inclu­ding by expres­sing or imply­ing that we sup­port, spon­sor, endor­se, or con­tri­bu­te money to any cha­ri­ty or other cau­se).

You may not purcha­se pro­duc­ts through your affi­lia­te links for your own use. Such purcha­ses may result (in our sole dis­cre­ti­on) in the with­hol­ding of refer­ral fees and/or the ter­mi­na­ti­on of this Agree­ment.

Pay­ment sche­du­le

As long as your cur­rent affi­lia­te ear­ning are over $20, you’ll be paid each month. If you haven’t ear­ned $20 sin­ce your last pay­ment, we’ll pay you the fol­lo­wing monht after you’­ve crossed the thres­hold.

Custo­mer defi­ni­ti­on

Custo­mers who buy pro­duc­ts through this Pro­gram will be deemed to be our custo­mers. Accord­in­gly, all of our rules, poli­ci­es, and ope­ra­ting pro­ce­du­res con­cer­ning custo­mer orders, custo­mer ser­vice, and pro­duct sales will app­ly to tho­se custo­mers. We may chan­ge our poli­ci­es and ope­ra­ting pro­ce­du­res at any time. For examp­le, we will deter­mi­ne the pri­ces to be char­ged for pro­duc­ts sold under this Pro­gram in accordance with our own pri­cing poli­ci­es. Pro­duct pri­ces and avai­la­bi­li­ty may vary from time to time. Becau­se pri­ce chan­ges may affect Pro­duc­ts that you have listed on your site, you should not dis­play pro­duct pri­ces on your site. We will use com­mer­ci­al­ly rea­son­ab­le efforts to pre­sent accu­ra­te infor­ma­ti­on, but we can­not gua­ran­tee the avai­la­bi­li­ty or pri­ce of any par­ti­cu­lar pro­duct.

Your respon­si­bi­li­ties

You will be sole­ly respon­si­ble for the deve­lop­ment, ope­ra­ti­on, and main­ten­an­ce of your site and for all mate­ri­als that appe­ar on your site. For examp­le, you will be sole­ly respon­si­ble for:

- The tech­ni­cal ope­ra­ti­on of your site and all rela­ted equip­ment
– Ensu­ring the dis­play of Spe­cial Links on your site does not vio­la­te any agree­ment bet­ween you and any third par­ty (inclu­ding wit­hout limi­ta­ti­on any restric­tions or requi­re­ments pla­ced on you by a third par­ty that hosts your site)
– The accu­ra­cy, truth, and appro­pria­teness of mate­ri­als posted on your site (inclu­ding, among other things, all Pro­duct-rela­ted mate­ri­als and any infor­ma­ti­on you inclu­de wit­hin or asso­cia­te with Spe­cial Links)
– Ensu­ring that mate­ri­als posted on your site do not vio­la­te or infrin­ge upon the rights of any third par­ty (inclu­ding, for examp­le, copy­rights, trade­marks, pri­va­cy, or other per­so­nal or pro­prie­ta­ry rights)
– Ensu­ring that mate­ri­als posted on your site are not libe­lous or other­wi­se ille­gal
– Ensu­ring that your site accu­rate­ly and ade­qua­te­ly dis­c­lo­ses, eit­her through a pri­va­cy poli­cy or other­wi­se, how you collect, use, store, and dis­c­lo­se data collec­ted from visi­tors, inclu­ding, whe­re app­li­ca­ble, that third par­ties (inclu­ding adver­ti­sers) may ser­ve con­tent and/or adver­ti­se­ments and collect infor­ma­ti­on direc­t­ly from visi­tors and may place or reco­gni­ze coo­kies on visi­tors’ brow­sers.

Com­pli­an­ce with Laws

As a con­di­ti­on to your par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the Pro­gram, you agree that while you are a Pro­gram par­ti­ci­pant you will com­ply with all laws, ordi­nan­ces, rules, regu­la­ti­ons, orders, licen­ses, per­mits, judgments, decisi­ons or other requi­re­ments of any governmen­tal aut­ho­ri­ty that has juris­dic­tion over you, whe­ther tho­se laws, etc. are now in effect or later come into effect during the time you are a Pro­gram par­ti­ci­pant. Wit­hout limi­t­ing the fore­go­ing obli­ga­ti­on, you agree that as a con­di­ti­on of your par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the Pro­gram you will com­ply with all app­li­ca­ble laws (federal, sta­te or other­wi­se) that govern mar­ke­ting email, inclu­ding wit­hout limi­ta­ti­on, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and all other anti-spam laws.

Term of the Agree­ment and Pro­gram

The term of this Agree­ment will begin upon our accep­tan­ce of your Pro­gram app­li­ca­ti­on and will end when ter­mi­na­ted by eit­her par­ty. Eit­her you or we may ter­mi­na­te this Agree­ment at any time, with or wit­hout cau­se, by giving the other par­ty writ­ten noti­ce of ter­mi­na­ti­on. Upon the ter­mi­na­ti­on of this Agree­ment for any rea­son, you will imme­dia­te­ly cea­se use of, and remo­ve from your site, all links to http://christian-morgenweck.de, and all of our trade­marks, tra­de dress, and logos, and all other mate­ri­als pro­vi­ded by or on behalf of us to you pur­suant here­to or in con­nec­tion with the Pro­gram. Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck reser­ves the right to end the Pro­gram at any time. Upon pro­gram ter­mi­na­ti­on, Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck will pay any out­stan­ding ear­nings accrued above $20.


Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck, in its sole dis­cre­ti­on, has the right to sus­pend or ter­mi­na­te your account and refu­se any and all cur­rent or future use of the Pro­gram, or any other Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck ser­vice, for any rea­son at any time. Such ter­mi­na­ti­on of the Ser­vice will result in the deac­tiva­ti­on or dele­ti­on of your Account or your access to your Account, and the for­feit­u­re and relin­quish­ment of all poten­ti­al or to-be-paid com­mis­si­ons in your Account if they were ear­ned through frau­du­lent, ille­gal, or over­ly aggres­si­ve, ques­tion­ab­le sales or mar­ke­ting methods. Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck reser­ves the right to refu­se ser­vice to anyo­ne for any rea­son at any time.

Rela­ti­ons­hip of Par­ties

You and we are inde­pen­dent con­trac­tors, and not­hing in this Agree­ment will crea­te any part­nership, joint ven­ture, agen­cy, fran­chise, sales rep­re­sen­ta­ti­ve, or employ­ment rela­ti­ons­hip bet­ween the par­ties. You will have no aut­ho­ri­ty to make or accept any offers or rep­re­sen­ta­ti­ons on our behalf. You will not make any state­ment, whe­ther on your site or other­wi­se, that rea­son­ab­ly would con­tra­dict anything in this Sec­tion.

Limi­ta­ti­ons of Lia­bi­li­ty

We will not be liable for indi­rect, spe­cial, or con­se­quen­ti­al damages (or any loss of reve­nue, pro­fits, or data) ari­sing in con­nec­tion with this Agree­ment or the Pro­gram, even if we have been advi­sed of the pos­si­bi­li­ty of such damages. Fur­ther, our aggre­ga­te lia­bi­li­ty ari­sing with respect to this Agree­ment and the Pro­gram will not exceed the total refer­ral fees paid or pay­a­ble to you under this Agree­ment.


We make no express or implied war­ran­ties or rep­re­sen­ta­ti­ons with respect to the Pro­gram or any pro­duc­ts sold through the Pro­gram (inclu­ding, wit­hout limi­ta­ti­on, war­ran­ties of fit­ness, mer­chan­ta­bi­li­ty, nonin­frin­ge­ment, or any implied war­ran­ties ari­sing out of a cour­se of per­for­mance, dealing, or tra­de usa­ge). In addi­ti­on, we make no rep­re­sen­ta­ti­on that the ope­ra­ti­on of the Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck will be unin­ter­rup­ted or error-free, and we will not be liable for the con­se­quen­ces of any inter­rup­ti­ons or errors.

Inde­pen­dent Inves­ti­ga­ti­on



Any dis­pu­te rela­ting in any way to this Agree­ment (inclu­ding any actu­al or alle­ged bre­ach here­of), any tran­sac­tions or activi­ties under this Agree­ment or your rela­ti­ons­hip with us or any of our affi­lia­tes shall be sub­mit­ted to con­fi­den­ti­al arbi­tra­ti­on, except that, to the extent you have in any man­ner vio­la­ted or threa­tened to vio­la­te our intel­lec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights, we may seek injunc­tive or other appro­pria­te reli­ef in any sta­te or federal court (and you con­sent to non-exclu­si­ve juris­dic­tion and venue in such courts) or any other court of com­pe­tent juris­dic­tion. Arbi­tra­ti­on under this agree­ment shall be con­duc­ted under the rules then pre­vai­ling of the Ame­ri­can Arbi­tra­ti­on Asso­cia­ti­on. The arbitrator’s award shall be bin­ding and may be ent­e­red as a judgment in any court of com­pe­tent juris­dic­tion. To the ful­lest extent per­mit­ted by app­li­ca­ble law, no arbi­tra­ti­on under this Agree­ment shall be joi­ned to an arbi­tra­ti­on invol­ving any other par­ty sub­ject to this Agree­ment, whe­ther through class arbi­tra­ti­on pro­cee­dings or other­wi­se.


This Agree­ment will be gover­ned by the laws of The United Sta­tes, wit­hout refe­rence to rules gover­ning choice of laws. You may not assign this Agree­ment, by ope­ra­ti­on of law or other­wi­se, wit­hout our pri­or writ­ten con­sent. Sub­ject to that restric­tion, this Agree­ment will be bin­ding on, inu­re to the bene­fit of, and be enforce­ab­le against the par­ties and their respec­tive suc­ces­sors and assigns. Our fail­u­re to enforce your strict per­for­mance of any pro­vi­si­on of this Agree­ment will not con­sti­tu­te a wai­ver of our right to sub­se­quent­ly enforce such pro­vi­si­on or any other pro­vi­si­on of this Agree­ment.

The fail­u­re of Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck to exer­ci­se or enforce any right or pro­vi­si­on of the Terms of Ser­vice shall not con­sti­tu­te a wai­ver of such right or pro­vi­si­on. The Terms of Ser­vice con­sti­tu­tes the ent­i­re agree­ment bet­ween you and Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck and govern your use of the Ser­vice, super­ce­ding any pri­or agree­ments bet­ween you and Chris­ti­an Mor­gen­weck (inclu­ding, but not limi­ted to, any pri­or ver­si­ons of the Terms of Ser­vice).

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